Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So how has the search for Osama going or has national taken A.D.D. taken over?

I find it extremely interesting that # 2 on the most wanted list, Mullah Omar lived openly in Qetta Pakistan until January 2009. If we were so interested in getting him why did we not simply take him out as stood in the market place watching convoys carrying supplies for US troops drive through town? What happened in January 2009 that would make him go back to hiding?

Is Congress, grand old party a disgrace to India?

Congress was really great.Their goals and aims were of High standard to build a strong Nation .Indira Gandhi did a lot of harm to the party by sidelining the the strong and efficient people in the party and replaced them with sycophants.Now gradually,the national spirit &integrity of the party has been such a low level,that the party has become a pawn in the hands of Sonia Gandhi &her son who are together encouraging corruption,religious &caste division.This attitude of these people bring disgrace to India.

Has anyone ever worked for SNOW GO LLC? If so, does anyone have their EIN number?

this company went out of business and i am trying to file my income tax and cant do it without their employer identification number. can anyone help??

What are some songs that promote civic duty?

Its for a project. I already have Citizen Soldier by three doors down and that song from Starship Troopers 3

Are some languages really spoken more rapidly, and some more slowly, than others ?

No. All languages are spoken at pretty much the same number of syllables per second. The feeling that speakers of other languages speak too quickly stems from the fact that listening to a foreign language in which you are not entirely fluent requires you to process the incoming language more slowly. Because you have gaps in your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and sometimes of pronunciation, it seems that the speakers of the foreign language are always a few words ahead of you. I have been teaching English to speakers of other languages for 30 years and have never met a student of any nationality who didn't complain that English speakers spoke too fast.

Best way to study for SSAT (synonyms?)?

I find it very helpful to write down the words and the definitions in your own words on index cards, and to play a game by first testing yourself which words you do know and the ones you don't. Then, go to the "don't know" pile and try those again. Start studying, and using this method. Good luck on the test! I'm taking it next year!

The man i love is a lebanese shia muslim?

and my family and my friends keep telling me to be careful and think hard about marrying him. He suffered a lot in the war. but i know he is a good kind man !!! he, like many others saw some really bad stuff !! how do i show my friends and family, that much of the rubbish they hear is media lies. ?? please help. this is really upsetting me

Need to get a replacement boiler?

Any idea which is the best company to use in the Hartlepool area? Looking for cheap but reliable. Have Homecare 2000 with British Gas.

What is wrong?

Today, I woke up and my whole faces hurts and feels congested, especially my ears. I've had a history of inflamed TMJ, but this time the glands in my neck are swollen and sore. What do I have? What should I do?

Where can i buy the shirt l that Georges St.-Pierre is wearing in this pic? ?

it's made by Randy Coutures line, I am not sure if they have a web store but try extremecouture.com or something.

Slipping English Saddle?

I have the same problem! I use a 'No Slip Pad" it goes under the saddle pad. yes mounting from the ground is bad for your horses back but only in the long term.

Which name do you like best?

Becca for sure! I do like Rebecca, but it seems long and for someone older. Bec too short and abrupt. Becca is very pretty and young. I really like the name.

US History Please check my work?

29 is a weird question as both C and D seem to be the same answer, i'd go with C cause it was the first time in 40 years. also 25 is C, not A

Overclocking amd 3000+ 939?

hey im waiting to overclock my amd 3000+ 939 1.8ghz wondering would i be able to overclock it to 2.5ghz? my case cooling has 3 fans one at front blowing in one at side blowing in and at rear sucking the air out also using a thermaltak venus 12 heatsink fan and will the FSB and the core voltage the only thing ill need to change also how much mhz should i increase it by everytime

In a haze, do you count the silent days till you hear her sing once more?

Let hopes p! Let dreams p! Let them die!!!!!!!! Without you, what are they for?!!? I'll always feel no more than half-way real till I hear you sing once more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me rephrase....what happens when you have too much fiber???

Consuming fiber is a great way to keep your body healthy. The long term effects of consuming fiber have been shown to maintain colon, prostate and heart health. Results have also indicated that consuming fiber regulates blood pressure and cholesterol.

European Hamster Question?

Dwarfs live 2 to 3 years and normal sized hamsters live 3 to 4 years. Humans can give hamsters colds or other illnesses so it's best if you don't hold your hamster when you are sick so you don't give it to them. Hamsters can also get wet tail which is the runs which is caused by stress from food changes or environment changes or temperature changes. You can't get anything from a hamster.

Do you like my poem? i worked really hard on it?

Hi. I like your beautiful poem, the words are very deep and reflective, the scene, the mood, and the image is very interesting. Keep on writing. TC.

How do yeasts ferment dough?

Do they release enzymes out into the dough to ferment the sugars or do they actually 'ingest' the sugars and carry out the fermentation process inside them and then excrete the waste products (carbon dioxide and alcohol) out?

How long does a tube amp need to be on standby for?

I just got a Marshall Haze 15 watt. It is my first tube amp. How long does it need to be on standby for?

Does atheism require access to VBLD algorithms, June Bugs, and hunger?

According to [18] Newton, R., and Scholnick, B. Evaluating superblocks using geneous theory. In Proceedings of VLDB (June 2004), we can consult Byzantine Fault Theory to determine the behavior of not only June Bugs, but atheist iconoclasts. Ravi Zacharias erts the infallibility of VBLD algorithms in addressing the social problems generated by chemical and trench warfare, as well as fly-fishing and the psychology of crawfish. Can this be related to the teaching of atheism, secular humanism, and the New World Order? Does it generate world hunger?

Horoscopes - do you place any stock in them?

“A serious scientific test of the accuracy of horoscopes concludes that the star sign under which a person is born has no influence on his or her personality,” writes science editor Pearce Wright in The Times of London. The experiment, conducted at the University of California, involved 28 renowned astrologers. The test was to match the astrological chart of a subject with the correct personality profile. The profiles were drawn from a questionnaire that was both familiar to the astrologers and conducted according to their suggestions. For each individual, three profiles were given, one factual and two others chosen at random. “An embarring outcome of the trials for the astrologers,” says the article, “is that the predictions proved to be of no greater value than could be expected by chance.” The astrologers did not meet the volunteers face to face. When they do, says scientist Shawn Carlson, who conducted the test, they pick up clues that they use to impress their clients.

I was completely honest with a guy i really like, Now i think i made things awkward. What should i do?Dx?

I'm 15, a Sophmore in high school. He's 17, a Senior in High School.We are like best friends, We hang out a lot. I really like him, I told him a couple weeks ago. Because i'm completely honest with guys&I speak what's on mind. So i told him& he's like i like someone else, but i find you really attractive. The day after all my friends , including him, hung out at my place for the day. It was the last week of school, we had finals and it was all minimum days so why not. Well my friends smoke, and him&i don't so we decided to go in the room. all of a sudden he started to kiss me& we made out. Then stupid me, i was in the moment and gave him a *******. that night he told me he started to like me. & he started also being more ual with me. He's been asking me to have with him, but i said i don't know i want to go on birthcontrol first. I'm not ready. & He's like I'm fine with that. & Yet everyday he asks. I asked him after awhile" are you just using me for ? i dont care if you are, i just want you to be honest with me because a lot of guys do want from me" i have big ****, & thats basically all guys want so its hard to find a guy that truely likes me. He said thats not all he wants from me& that he likes me cause im fun to be around. I said Okay:) & yet he still asks. But whenever we hang out hes a total different person we talk about random stuff and it's more fun to be around him then texting him. Well today i asked him again because the past two days thats all hes been wanting. Im like r u sure ur not using me for ? & hes like I already told you, if i was wouldnt i date you,have wit you,then leave? im not like that& im like well it seems like it, sorry i speak my mind. & he's like I noticed. & I was like sorry if i made things awkward/: i just really like you& i dont try to make anything awkward i just dont want to be hurt from doin sexual stuff. Its been 10 hours& he still hasnt texted me back. Did i do something wrong? its been bugging me.

I need a one way ticket from Medellin to Miami on July 5 2011, where is the cheapest?

The price is about right since you are buying a one-way ticket and you are flying during the summer which is an expensive time to fly. I suggest you check out a href="http://www.kayak.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.kayak.com/a and contact a travel agent to help you. I think American Airlines flies to Medellin so you can go to a href="http://www.aa.com." rel="nofollow"http://www.aa.com./a

The presidential race.?

I think that the canidates are getting worse every year. This may go along with our population gradually becoming less intelligent. I'm trying to decide between Hilary and McCain. I don't take Obama seriously, and it is not because of race. I am concerned with some of his affiliations, including that with Louis Farrakhan and do not try to tell me that that is not true. Moreover McCain and Hilary still have huge flaws. I guess their running mates will have a lot to do with where I stand. I would just like to know how everyone else feels.

I'm 12 days late for my Menstrual Cycle...but...?

The easiest solution is the most difficult...you have to stop worrying about it. This has happened to me before and I was almost a month late because I couldn't stop worrying about the fact that I might be pregnant. When you catch yourself going over "What will I do if I'm actually pregnant?!" in your head, remind yourself that you're not and everything is going to be okay. If you can relax, it will come faster and you'll feel much better :) Good luck!

Experienced psychics please help!!?

I am a beginner in tarot and i would like to know if there are any exercises i can do to refine or finely tune psychic abilties..thank you so much

So is the Hollywood left going to disown Martin Sheen now that he is helping produce a prolife film with ACLJ?

Come on now Martin sheen is a washed up actor just tired of waiting tables and parking cars and is glad to be doing something else and gibson is an unconscious drunk who's not even sure who he is anymore so who care what those 2 idiots are doing// man do those 2 fools still have fans????

Is there a pacifier that resembles a baby bottle nipple?

my 6 month old will not take a pacifier, but he loves having the bottle in his mouth. i think he's hungry but he ends up just wanting the bottle in his mouth. so if there some pacifier out there that is the exact shape of a nipple from a bottle?

Belly really tight & irritable...what does this mean?

I'll be 24 weeks (6mos) on friday and since yesterday my belly has been feeling really tight and irritable. I've been drinking water and trying to stay hydrated but it still feels the same. I dont know why its been felling like this, could I be dehydrated and should call my doctor. I've heard that when you are it irritates your uterus or what else could be causing this???

Monday, November 14, 2011

What's going on with my memory?

im 18 and i use to be able to remember everything.well, a lot more than others. If i was to take a spelling test the next day, i would just look at the words for 5 seconds and boom i knew how to spell it. i can't do that anymore! i have to write them several times. i never had to write down my homework ignments, id just look at the board and memorize it. now i have to write them down or i forget. i use to be able to memorize great details. for example, my friends don't remember what they were the other day, well i can remember what my niece wore last sunday. i use to be able to remember what was happening in the background and people's facial expressions. when i studied for a test all i really had to do was look at the paper. i would just remember the order of the paragraphs, the placement or words, and if something was underlined. im 18 why is this happening to me?

Since about 12 pm iv had a really tight chect and its kind of painfull. i alos keep getting very dizzy?

See a Doctor. Anything that has to do with Chest Pains needs to be checked out ASAP. You don't mess around with that. The dizziness could be to blood sugar, but obviously you don't know. Regardless, get to a DR very soon. It's always better to have it checked out then not. Good luck

Bought a Monte Carlo SS 1985 on Ebay.Needs a rebuilt engine, but still runs.Cheapest/Most Effective solution?

The seller lives in Hartford, Kentucky and I live in Indianapolis, Indiana...I was gonna drive a Jeep Cherokee Sport to go get it...but would it be cheaper to pat $450 to have it shipped? He(seller) said it would make it to Indy, but it needs to have the engine rebuilt, and I need it to get back and forth to work after that. Have I been ripped off? I paid $900 for it. What kind of engine do I need to replace it with...it has a 305(what he said). Help me please.

Why isnt the World Sending Soldiers to Sri Lanka To find Prabhakaran?the world did send for Saddam Though?

yep why is the world not sending forces to fight Prabhakaran and get him to ICC instead the IC is asking SL to have a Cease Fire!Why the Double Standards

Raw chicken?

I had raw chicken that was freshly thawed (it was in the freezer). It was leeky and I drank a little bit. It made me gag, yuck! Is that enough to make me sick?

I want my earnest money back advice please?

this happened in texas. was looking at a house for sale by owner, put down earnest money ($1000) the seller told me she would fix anything that was wrong with the property upon inspection and if it was something that she didn't want to fix, she would refund my money. by the way, this took place near houston on the gulf coast in texas a.k.a. hurricane alley. insurance companys are giving a lot of homeowners trouble and you really have to be careful. i had the roof inspected, found out it is not wind storm compliant. i hope you guys have heard of that, it was a new one on me and i suppose it has to do with the area having been hit by hurricanes rita in 2005 and ike last year. anyway, the old woman doesn't want to fix the roof and had a fit. without the windstorm certification, i will not be able to get insurance. we have signed no papers or agreements, only verbal. she accused me of changing my mind about the house and getting a friend to say it was bad. this is a licensed, bonded, insured roofing business for 20 yrs and i never met the guy before the day of the roof inspection. the old bitty says she won't give me my money back unless another roofer (of her choosing, ofcourse) says the roof is bad. she is wealthy and old but i'm sure still influential due to her big $$$$. do i have any legal recourse? i am trying to work it out with her and agreed to give her a copy of the roofer's' report from the inspection. she also said she doesn't rememb er saying she would give me my money back if she didn't want to fix something that was wrong, but i have her on tape admitting it later and her maid said so too because she was at work in the old woman's house and heard the conversation ( have that on tape too from a conversation when the maid answered the phone, she confirmed, yes she did say she would give your money back, etc..) i work in education, believe me the pay is LOW. she has no reason to want to keep my money because as i said she is wealthy. in a way, i am glad the deal fell through, i don't care to deal with the old batalax. advice please on steps i can or should take to get my money back. thanks

Dell Poweredge 2600 worth?

What year did you buy it? Any upgrades? Computers are like cars, the moment you drive it off its value is cut in half, and goes down from there....

Is English widespread in Brazilian cities?

If I went to Rio, or Sao Paulo, would there be plenty of folks that spoke English? I am wondering what percentage of the population speaks any English. Thank you.

Does anyone want Ali and James to win the Restaurant?

I do. i think James is a fab chef. Yes he can be rude and bossy to Ali, but Ali is soooo crap and unorganised. Its a shame james is let down by him. I hope james succeeds. I think the final 2 couples will be James/Ali and Tim/Lindsey from True Provenance.

My best friends controlling boyfriend, any advice?

I don't want to sound nasty but it sounds to me like you've already voiced your opinion to your friend and she hasn't done anything about it.If this guy is as bad as your saying he is why on earth would she want a baby with him!?As soon as she's got a baby with him he will be in her life forever because of the child.It is cruel to bring a child into this and she is not thinking rationally about it.I don't think you should get involved because I doubt it would do any good as clearly her minds set.Let her deal with this mess.But be a good friend for her when it all goes wrong and try not to be tempted into saying "I told you so".

Can any experienced mentor give me a brief knowledge on "Advanced Aluminium" ?

Actually i'm an engineering student and i have been given a Power Point presentation on topic "Advanced Aluminium Alloys". Can anyone help me with that ?

How do I get this out of my mind?

Oh no, you werent disrespectful at all. When you think of disrespectful, you think of those students who constantly insert profanity into their sentences, talk over others, fail to listen, are tardy, shows a general lack of respect for others and their time, or act as tho they are entitled to something, thus, woudlnt consider showing gratitude to anyone. This cuoldnt be more NOT YOU, right. Trust me, your TA has encountered many people, all ages, all walks of life, all different "socially" - no worries. Your behavior was probably quickly identified as being exactly what it really is, just a part of you that has not had an opportunity to become one of your strengths - simply due to lack of practice. Believe me, thats all. I was a lot like you when I was younger, but I really came into my own later on. You would NEVER know it now. As it turns out, I think i always felt "different" than my clmates as I was younger, like they werent on the same level as me. Im not saying Im some intellectual giant, nothing like that, but as far as maturity level went, I didnt feel "in-sync" with my clmates, which oddly made ME feel weird, when really I was the more "enlightened" one. Well, it all panned out. Once you leave "school" and filter into the "real world", youll find yourself surrounded by so many people, each with their own personality, some youll connect to immediately (different than anything youve ever felt before), and alas...youre "cured". Before long, public speaking, no biggie. Social engagements - youre working the room like a shining star. Oh yes, all this will be yours. In the meantime, PLEASE do not feel that your "shyness" is in anyway ensuring that you are "socially awkward" or that it will plague you, hold you back, forever. No worries. Focus, in these years, on improving yourself, your mind, etc. and working on self actualization, and before you know it, youll be sharing your life, openly, with many like-minded people. And rather than feeling intimidated or drained by that interaction, you can finally experience being energized by these casual, or intimate, relationships. Yay!! Good things ahead. Moving on, LOVE the letter, I think it will be VERY MUCH appreciated. Ive worked as a teacher for many years, and what it taught me is that the simple things mean soooo much - bc, teachers (and the like) are in it the for work itself, in it to make a difference in ONE students life, in it bc its our pion and we couldnt imagine not lending ourselves to others in this way. That said, its thankless, and the pay sucks. Why would anyone do it - for the reasons Ive mentioned. When I was in the clrooms, I KNEW I wasnt reaching everyone, but I wasnt there for them. I was there for the one, such as yourself, who broke away from the pack, sought and accepted my help, made me feel valuable and appreciated - trust me, thats why your TA is in it as well, and your letter will be worth a million dollars. That thank you may be what pulls him/her outta bed next time he/she is frustrated with the work, as a whole. Ya know what, ever since that time in my life (I ended up in a different direction), I am hyper-aware of the people in my life, service providers especially, whom I would normally have taken for granted. For this reason, the surgeon who treated me with respect when he removed my gall bladder, called to follow up, and sent me an email with pics of MY organs (omg!! awesome!!), which he certainly wasnt required to do - you betcha I went out of my way to thank him. I sent a formal card...which...I saw on his desk ONE YEAR LATER when I went an appt regarding another health issue. Wow. I did it as a matter of who I am, and what I believe, but I was amazed at how much it must have meant to him. I made mention of it, and he said, and Ill never forget, "Of course I kept it, read it all the time too. We dont get many of these you know...". WOW, thats all I can say!!! For many years, Ive been personally thanking, in one way or another, the people in my lief who have had a positive effect. Your TA will LOVE this. And lastly, DO NOT feel bad about anything, you ARE right about one thing, they LIT UP when you came for help, bc thats how they are wired - they were really happy to help you!! And the personal thank you is the cherry on top. Youre very sweet - dont be so hard on yourself, k :O)

Sadie Hawins Dance help!?

i need some cute ideas for a western themed dance. i need something to wear! would a strapless dress in a cute print, cowboy hat, and boots be ohkay? i only have Uggs, would that work or should i borrow some cowboy boots?!

Do you think that 2012 will bring anything huge?

Do you think most people at their current spiritual state can handle enlightenment and what kind of effects on our surroundings would a m spiritual awakening have (Billions doing chakra chants, and opening your mind etc)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I have a question for women who are currently pregnant.?

How many of you either have already gotten the swine flu vaccine or plan on getting it? I'm about 20 weeks pregnant right now and the nurse said I should get one...but I've heard a few negatives about the vaccine, so i'm questioning whether or not to get it. But I also heard it affects pregnant women a lot. Is there anyone else who is a bit skeptical to get the vaccine?

Since South America is on the brink of war, NOW will we secure the border?

Lucky for us we have Mexico as a buffer. They'll see anything before we do, and we're well equipped to deal with most anything that Venezuela, FARC, or Ecuador can send at us.

Why would your car vibrate whan a vehicle bigger than yours bypes you quickly?

Also please tell me how to avoid such a situation other than get a bigger vehicle or prevent the bigger vehicle from overtaking you. Please answer with terms involving pressure.

Anyone know KoRn's theme song?

The song or the sound they used on their website (korn.com) during the Untouchables release? It was a catchy tune? around 2002 or earlier

Cultures & Groups: What are you listening to or watching at the moment?

I am listening to "Panic! At The Disco - I write sins not tragedies* " on "Q-92" 92.3 KQVT Victoria

Is Jesus' sacrifice really a significant lost?

I know this question sounds offensive, but please let me clarify. Jesus' sacrifice is obviously considered a great gift from God and a powerful sacrifice from God by Christians. However, if God is infinite then how is he able to make sacrifices. In order to sacrifice something, that something has to be taken out of another something that is limited. In this case, if Jesus died, this would be of absolutely no significance to God, because God can instantly recreate him out of nothing and make it seem as if Jesus never died at all (and this is what happened). So shouldn't we see Jesus' death as more of a show of a fake sacrifice, rather than an epic and saddening act heroicly done by God. This idea of not being able to make sacrifices out of something infinite can even be explained in math. If you divide infinite by any number, it is still infinite. If you divide any number by infinite, it approaches zero. Meaning if you can sacrifice Jesus infinite times then significance become zero.


so idk what kind of board to get. I mean im still a "begener" but my friends are not helpin me so i have to ask and i dont know what kind of board to get. and I JUST LANDED AN OLLIE!!! I know im so proud of myself(that what i mean by beginer)THANX

With Harold Campings prediction being wrong do you think there will be more atheists or agnostics?

I know he said its not over yet but you think he would have mentioned the other date as well. Not just pull it out of his at the last second.

Are you allowed have more than one songs?

It's okay to have more than one song. My girlfriend and I had a couple ourselves. I do however beg you to learn to type properly, it took longer to work out what you were saying than it did to answer.

My grey knit UGG boots are streching, how do i shrink them?

I bought my knit UGGS last year and I love them, but they are too big and my feet slip out of them. How do i shrink them. I'm thinking about wetting them and then putting them in the dryer, but if anyone has any better ideas please let me know! Thanks!

How to ollie in motion?

i can ollie in place easily and high. when i ollie in motion if a stick it i get wheel bite and fall off. how do i fix this?

How does this quote make you feel?

“One hundred years later, the ***** lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later the ***** is languishing in the corner of America society.”

Do you think the psp Go will be compatible with the 3000?

Thinking about getting it and that is really my only woe. By compatible i mean will I be able to play Fifa 10 with my brother (he has a 3000) if we both get it???

While turning rentals into a business, should I make personal property business property?

I own two houses which I rent. Net for these is about $1200. month after allowances for depreciation/future repairs, PITI paid. I spend an average of about 20 hours a week maintaining these. (Sometimes 40+, sometimes less than 5). Having 4 kids it would be impossible for me to also hold a normal-hours job. I miss out on the earned income credit for taxes because my income as it is set up, is not considered to be "earned"! Also, I miss other benefits for the kids the way it is now. Since I defintely earn this income, I want to set the property up as a business, and take a normal paycheck from it. But I have a question first: Will the business become the "owner" of the property? And if so, will the mortgage have to be converted into a new owner (LLC/ business' name?) OR should I set the business up as a "Property Management" company and manage the finances of the business in the business name, leaving the mortgages and real estate in my name? I feel like it needs to be turned into the business property. Also: one home is co-owned so, should I turn my half into the business name while retaining the other owner as co-owner? What will the banks say? It might also look better turning this into a business because i want to expand and it will be easier to get a business loan on a profitable business when all the records are separated from mine.

Ever tried or wanna try Rocky Mountain Oysters, you know fried bulls ?

I haven't thought of it before, but now you have me thinking...boy you really seem to know a lot about exotic meals.

Would it be possible for many people to pray the same prayer...?

praying at the same time wont make Him hear our prayers any clearer or louder..all we have to do is pray, period.

Do you think pushing creationism into school systems is wrong?

Several other religions also have creationism at their beginning, but that is not really the issue. There is nothing wrong with teaching about religion, without pushing a particular religion. As long as this is done in a philosophy or religion course, no problem. But religious views should never be taught in a science cl, because such things have nothing to do with science.

Primary IDE channel no 80 Conductor Cable Installed ??

There are 2 types of IDE cables 40 conductor and 80 conductor. You can tell the difference because the 80 has more and smaller diameter wires than in the 40. The 80 conductor uses 40 more wires that are all grounds, which is necessary to cut down on interference when using with a hard drive. You use 40 wire cables for DVD and CD-rom drives and 80 wire on both Rom drives and hard drives. When you use a 40 wire IDE cable on a hard drive you will get that message,

Should I install Windows 7 32 bit, or the 64-bit? I have the following computer parts:?

You're wasting your money if you get 32 bit. 32 bit can only use ~3GB of RAM. Most OSes these days are now 64 bit. Go 64 bit.

A question about my guinea pig's recovery?

porridge oats with apple juice : ) builds them up. just make sure to thoroughly soak the porridge oats, dont want them swelling up in his lil tummy. you could also place some food just in front of him or slightly out of his reach so he has to 'crawl' for it. and once he gets good at that place it further away. and once he gets good at that place on a slope builds up muscle quite quickly. just dont go for steroids :L hope this helps, and good luck to both of you x

What transponder works for tracing people/ cars? Can a dime sized trans. send signals that can be traced back?

Movies like The Da Vinci Code and No Country for Old Men have a small hidden transponder which sends audio signals (beeps) to a receiver. Is it fact or fiction? If fact, what is the type and name of the transpondert?

On Noah's ark....Were there.....?

There is no reason whatsoever to ume that the flood of Noah covered the entire planet, or that he gathered exotic animals from all over the earth. The Hebrew text could just as easily be translated that the flood covered the entire region (or county, area, ground, plain, etc.), and that Noah gathered only the domestic animals known in that region (two of every domestic animal, and seven of those that were fit for sacrifice). The Biblical story of Noah fits the time frame for a flooding of Mesopotamia and the decline of the Sumerian civilization around 2500 BC. A destructive local flood at that time is described in Babylonian texts, and Josephus records the Jewish tradition that the flood was local. The only reason people believe otherwise is because 18th century scholars tried to tie all the nations of the earth into the descendents of Noah before they understood the linguistic connection between various Indo-European tribes.

Biology help with DNA?

4) Transcription. Translation is when the RNA gets the info in the nucleus, but transcription is what makes the polypeptide.

People keep asking about the body scanners at airports?

Most people don't mind as it surely will deter or catch terrorists. But what if it's a false sense of security? These people go to a lot of trouble. Criminals always seem to find a way around any obstacles.

Services.exe cpu spiking on XP?

my computer has been running slow lately, and it turns out that about every 5 seconds, services.exe spikes up to 100% cpu. this usually takes about an hour to happen after i restart my computer. also, my PF usage is steadily going up about 100mb/hour. I've looked all over the internet for solutions, but the only ones i found were for windows 2000. I'm not sure what happened, but it makes it frustrating to use my computer.

Does anyone know the recipe for quick kraut? The kind you make in jars?

My Mama made the best kraut, she didn't soak it in a large crock, she diced the cabbage and put salt on it and jammed it into mason jars, I was wondering if anyone had the recipe for doing it that way...Thanks

How do i transfer mails from my inbox to my new a/c?

If your account is Yahoo when you set up your new account it gives you the option to have this done or does it automatically. It will transfer your contacts list and gives the option to have every contact sent an e-mail giving details of your new account.

What is the best album I have never heard of?

The Spaces In Between - Ben Christophers. Or maybe "My Beautiful Demon" actually he's only done a few albums so check them all out.

So i am trying to find friends?

but its not working online, i did myspace and a few seemed interested then one called me a gay word, another said he was gay so that i wouldnt be friends with him, and two others just havent really responded, one guy i had im'd with on gmail one night and since i heard nothing, another one asked where i lived and hasnt said anything to me since. i know most of these guys like to get drunk and high and i havent really done that i am willing to. i don't think you can go to bars to find them by yourself but idk. how do you approach people in a bar or whatever? and i can't work atm so getting a job is ruled out, should i invest in activities on my own first and make friends that come along through there that just is too patient for me.

Im looking for lisa thomas?

she would be in her 20s used to live in glouscester and birgaham.has two sis called debbie and sammy and her dad was called malcolm.she was a good friend of the family but we lost touch,its my mums birthday coming up and i know if i find lisa or one of her sisters it would make mums day.iv looked on friends reunited but had no luck.please can anyone help

Why did the Pope make his speach in French at UN?

Surely, nothing the Pope does and/or say is being done without profound meaning. Therefore why did he decide to allocate his crowd in the Language of Moliere?

Why genies are common in arabic literature?

Firstly, genies (or Djin, as they are more properly called) aren't that prolific in Arab folklore. Arabs, unlike the Norse, Greeks, or Celts, have no collection of mythical monsters. While Greek mythology has a plethera of dryads and similiar creatures and the Norse have dwarves, giants, and dragons, the Arabs only have Ghouls and Djin (and Rocs). Due to the limited selection of mythical beings for protagonists in Arabic litereture to encounter, Djin repeatedly appear.

Dallas Mavericks Vs Miami Heat Game 6?

what a great series this has been! The Mavs have been playing AMAZING!! even though they swept my favorite team the lakers, i feel like they should win it all! mainly because i feel as though the heat have been overated since lebron and bosch came along! if you watch highlights of most of the Heat games their fouls are all usually over-exaggerated, espcially by lebron....yes i am a Lebron & Co, but i mean who isn't?? Mavs win it all tonight in game 6!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Volcanos???? Please help!?

What makes a real eruption different from a hollywood eruption ( movies on the big screen about volcanos like Volcano 1997)?

My Rottweiler wants my new kitty, Morris, for dinner.How can I get her to like the kitty for more than a meal?

I have had to put the rottie in her carrier and have really been babying the kitten. The dog tried to eat it so she is under lock and key. The kitten is fine and is on a diet of canned tuna, cooked chicken, soy milk, and water.He also really seems to enjoy chewing on my left ear!

How do I endorse a cashier's check i made payable to myself?

I recently got a cashier's check to pay for a labor contract. In which I made an upfront deposit and the rest paid when the work was complete. So, I got a cashier's check made payable to me, how do I endorse it to the company? What do I write on the back of the cashier's check? Thanks!

Disney face character requirements...?

I was thinking about one day trying out to be a Disney face character (Some examples are Cinderella, Alice, Ariel, Wendy) at either Disneyland or Walt Disney World. I want to know about the height and body requirements for each female face character. Also, if you have been through the audition process could you tell me about that? Thanks!

How many kinds of LOVE is there?

For a cat..a child. a person you admire, a lover a husband or wife or a lust or an oyster.. I've got 6 how many have you experienced

What input devices are available for manipulating 3-dimensional objects?

I want to be able to manipulate 3-dimensional objects in 3-dimensional CAD programs and in 3-dimensional Illustration Programs and to be able to pick 3-dimension camera paths.

When will full tilt poker be backl online?

Apparently they are in trouble for money laundering and breaking a law ped in 06.There are however companys still allowing for money to be played with in hte usalike Bodog poker.Will FullTilt ever be back?

According to symbolic interactionism, is there a “real self”? If so, what is it?

Symbolic interactionism sees the self as the result of the meanings which social interaction teaches an individual to make. This implies that the "real self" is the innate engine in the individual that drives one to make and interpret meaning.

One Shoulder Shirts ( how to cutt the t-shirt) ?

Cut like bellow the bottom of the collar, near the edge. (If that make sense lol) Just dont cut too much off (x Or you can look for videos on youtube. x

Is this a safe make-up method?

Ok I'm 16 right & I got rosy cheeks. It gets on my nerves but anyways I use eucerin lotion (u kno for red cheeks) & cover girl translucent powder. Is this a good combination? Sometimes if I'm blushing it doesn't matter how much I put on it won't work but usually it works. How does cover girl tru blend work because I'm thinking about using that. Thanx

Stone cold beer bash?

there was going to be a stone cold beer bash for vince funeral but they cancel it cause of chris benoit death, how do you guys feel about this and why cant there be a stone cold beer bash for chris benoit instead of vince mcmahon ***

Anyone know what the 2nd book's name in the Kane chronicles is?

I love all of rick riordan's books, i read all of the PJ series and already read "The Red Pyramid" in the kane chronicles, so if anyone knows, can they tell me the name of the 2nd book that's coming out in 2011?

Unsramble this word please?

does anyone know a 7 letter word that starts with "qu" and has the letters "eicsh"

Hey Libs, since you are so upset that America said No and isn't giving you a chance on "gay rights", why?

don't you go to Venezuela, North Korea, Iran or Cuba and demonstrate there. Maybe then you will realize..... America isn't as bad as you think.

What type of soccer cleats should i get?

Im 14 and going into highschool so therefore i can spend more money on cleats. I play mostly midfield and i want a pair that i can shoot with. I want nice cleats that use kangaroo leather or anything else that will "fit and mold" to my foot. Thanks Alot!

Chained up pit-bull near my house please help?

there is a neighbor across from me who has a pit bull. everyday i see him tied up in a corner and when i p by walking my dogs, he starts to whimper like crazy. it makes my heart sink and saddens me to see him in those conditions. hes like that for nearly all day and spends most of the time crying. idk what to do. should i call a police or an animal agency. please help i feel really bad for the pitbull.

I want a new power supply please help?

What video card do you have or are looking at; that more than anything, will determine the PSU needed.

WOO HOO!!! I lost 6 pounds in 23 days... BUT IS THAT HEALTHY?

I did not fully go on a diet.. I just didn't eat as much as I did before... but I do 1 hour of cardio with 1 hour of weight lifting... I have around 4 short meals/snacks... i think i feel healthier than ever...and i workout 7 days a week, i don't give myself a single day of rest.. but I was wondering if loosing 6.5 pounds in 23 days is healthy?

Why does everyone think that Ricky Rubio will go either No.1 or No.2 in the 2009 NBA draft?

I mean Hasheem Thabeet is in this years NBA draft you know. Nobody knows too much about Rubio, but let me ask you this, when was the last time a legit supersized center get ped over by 2 teams in the Draft if they are #1 level based on potential. I know that last year, the Bulls ped on Beasley and took Rose, but that was ping on a forward. If you look back, even when Iverson was drafted it wasn't a legit Center being ped on. When it was comparing guards with centers, the year Michael Jordan was drafted Olajuwon went #1 and Bowie went #2. I admit that most of teams are interested in Griffin with the #1 pick, but there are several teams that may consider Thabeet based on his potential. But if Griffin goes #1, then why would a team be dumb enough to p on Thabeet, a 7'3 legit big man that doesn't come around very often rather than some guard who most have never even seen play. Most lottery teams don't even need guards, the Wizards already have Agent Zero but are weak at Center. The Warriors may like going small, but they already Ellis at PG, and they can go with Griffin at PF and Biedrins at Center. The Clippers haven't given up on B-Davis because he just needs good supporting players, why not go with Griffin who can play SF or PF and have Randolph or Thornton come off the bench. The Kings are the only ones that even may consider Rubio, but they have Udrih at PG and Hawes is better coming off the bench to give their bench more depth. So they would take a real legit big man either Griffin or Thabeet. Remember everyone thought the Bulls would take Beasley because of team needs last year, but they took the guy who they thought could have a bright future out of Rose and look how well that turned out.

How long is Triple h out for ?

ummmm triple h is the best there is. triple h makes the show and doesnt go far without him. he will be back next week you watch

Light headed, tight stomach feeling, not hungry, shortness breath, morning sickness (NOT pregnant)?

drink a big gl of glucon-d whenever u feel light headed it will give u energy!i think she has to be taken to doctor!

How does affiliation and validation to a foreign institute work?

If an institute in India is affiliated to a UK university, are the branches of the institute affiliated by default? An institute from chennai has been affiliated to an UK university. It has recently opened couple of more branches in different states. So will those new branches be affiliated by default or will they have to apply for the affiliation officially?

Advise on brit getting US visa?

I'm from the UK and want to go and work in the USA for 6 mouths to a year (longer if i like it) what is the best way to get a work visa?

I don't like my yucky pale skin...?

Eat healthy foods and fish high in omega 3s. Pale skin is beautiful, my skin is uber pale and kids in high school used to call me Casper. It sucked but I love my skin, its like porcelain. Buying the right shade of bronzer for your skin and applying it where the sun naturally kisses your face is key. Also consider purchasing a blush with golden peachy tones like NARS blush in . Its universally flattering and it warms your skin tone. Embrace your skin! Oh! Also consider wearing colors that flatter your hair and skin tones so you don't look washed out. I have to be careful, I can't wear pastels. Good luck!

Who thinks Macs are the triumph of marketing over substance? You may refer to the iPhone / iPod in your answer?

I fell for the mac and ipod and to be quite honest I'm not wasting my money on them anymore. There are many other products that perform just as good if not better for much less $. I'm not a biased fanboy either just a consumer that likes good products.

What do you think i should do?

OK well me and my boyfriend have been going out for 5 months and he has alot of girls that he calls friend and im ok with that exept for one and she sends pics to the phone all the time she knows me and him are together but hre recently me and him took a break and i think shes coming down for a lil bit but he says thatsnot the reason he said he want to get his life together and that he doent know hw he fells but he tell me he loves m and everything what should i do im so in love with him he is like my true love and ive been hurt before and i dont wanna be again what do i do should i wait

Friday, November 11, 2011

Which side bangs would look better on me? {pictures included!} easy points =)?

the second one just because i always have mine on that side and most of the people i see with side bangs have them on that side as well but which ever YOU like best is all that matters.

How do you small talk and be funny?

Wit can't be rehearsed & studied it has to come natural you have to feel it.Anyone can give you a million funny lines it means nothing without you being apart of it OK First relax you're taking a test lol When someone's is remarking on any topic get a picture in your mind & put or add a twist to it & make it simple.Small talk doesn't have to always be funny either just adding your opinion or even asking a question is small talk Try initiating small talk yourself bring up a move music whatever just try it OK then go from there.You can do this Good luck & get chit chatting

My bestfriend left me for her new boyfriend?

i was bestfriends for 3 years with her ... we did everything together i loved her so much. and i still do... she taught me what was right and what was wrong ... we wer together nearly everyday. i knew this day would come. i just didnt know it would hurt so much... she left me for this boy that she was obsessed with for about a year ... she finaly got him and i guess spent to much time with him and forgot about me... but this has been going on for about 3 months or so ..and she hasnt called me and i havent seen her in 3 months.. shes like best friends with him now .. but it didnt bother me all this time... it only kicked in now .i dont understand... why would she leave me? i loved her so much as a friend :(

What can I do about ex landlords calling my place of employment every day?

I moved out of the house I was renting with my wife when we seperated. Our lease expired in August, so we were month to month. We gave 30 days notice and I cleaned the home and there was no damage what so ever. They have been harrasing me daily, calling my place of employment and telling anyone that will listen that I am a thief and liar and should be fired from my job. They are demanding that I pay them rent until the summer when they can re rent the property and will not stop calling until I do so! Can I get the police involved? What are my rights, can I go after them for slander?

How can I learn to fake cry?

i am a very good fake crier. sometimes it works to think of a family member that you are really close to was hit by a car and you were there to witness it. for other people, it works to pinch themselves. another thing is to rub onion on your wrists and then hold it near your eyes or rub onion around your eyes and keep them wide open. whatever works for you.

Dilemma between 3 girls?

Not to brag but I am a ladies man and a lot of my friends are girls. Any way I don't like commitments so basically I fool around a lot. A lot of girls are mad because when they ask me out I turn them down . But now I have met 3 amazing girls and there is no way I can decide which one I like more and for the first time in my life I think I would be comfortable with dating one of these girls and not fool around on them but that's the problem I can't decide and me and these 3 girls are steadily getting more serious and I know sooner or later one or more of the 3 will ask me out and I don't want to say no but I don't want to have to tell the other 2 I have a gf.

Will the refs let Queen James and the Heat get away with acting against the Mavericks?

i dont think the refs can do anything about it. they cant pause the game, think about it and then make a call. they react. the league needs to do something, whether it be a fine what whatever. thing is that a fine MIGHT deter players from doing it again in another game, but that foul call might affect the outcome of that game and thats huge, especially in the playoffs.

I need names!!! boy and girl?

I need boy and girl names that are unique and uncommon, but not unique in the way that celebrities name their babies, lol. the last name is stokes.

Can you tell me what you think of this speech? And tell me anything that I can do to make it longer thank you?

I would add examples. You tell what everything is, i.e. pheotype, genotype, and selective breeding, but you don't give any examples. There are many other areas where you can give specific examples. Since I really know nothing about what you are saying in your speech, it would be easier for me to hear examples of well known animals so that I can relate what you are saying to what I already know. Build off general background knowledge of your audience, and then put in parts for people that may not know as much about your topic. That's always the easiest way to make something longer.

Can pictures like these be used for a modeling portfolio? Like samples of work?

Im not paying no $700 to get professional pictures done... I was in a Mini Truck Magazine in the summer.... Can I just use the picutures I got done there for a samples? Will companys accept these? a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mizzkelly/" rel="nofollow"http://www.flickr.com/photos/mizzkelly//a

Which swim suits do you like best?

Option 1, it's more modern, and Option 2 looks very childish. The boarshorts, however, do not go well with the swimsuit because the pattern is too similar. Look for something solid in the same color tones as the bandeau. :)

My dog farted is that normal for a 2 year old chihuahua? lol?

ewww so gross!!! it smells bad!! :( wahhh im sad lol .. is that normal?? idk.... ppl im bored just answer the damn question!!

Which politicians vying for the Presidency believes in creationism?

Mike Huckabee feels that his religious views have absolutely no bearing on his political points of view. I'd like to know which candidates believe in creationism.

Im going to sell my i5 laptop and maybe get a sandy bridge one, whats it worth?

Big news for film lovers!!!Do you need a blu-ray ripper?I recommend you a powerful blu-ray ripper strongly.This product is certain to shock you with its powerful functions and low price. You can convert blu-ray DVD to almost all popular video and audio formats with high quality and converting speed. You can enjoy films with excellent picture and sound quality.If you are interested in it ,please look at this website: www.besthdsoft.com ,you will find more surprise!!! I am sure you will like it!!!

Do you know the answer to this question on microscopes?

It's Parfocal property."Parfocal: This is a focus issue. When changing from one objective to another, the new image should be either in focus or close enough so that you can refocus with only minor adjustments. Most microscopes are parfocal." from www.microscope-microscope.org

Question about being cheated on and your risks of cheating...?

Ive been cheated on by my first true love, and it hurt but i know i would never do that to someone because of i know what it feels like. My bf has been cheated on by the girls he cared about also, and is hurt by his previous relationship because he found out accidentaly, that she had been screwing some other guy numerous times. So now he is sort of tainted in that fact. BUT he tends to stare at other women when we are together...last night he stared at the hostess trying to catch her attention, and she was eyeing him back. He even would not pay attention to conversations at the table (i was with his family) and then limp in at the end AFTER he stared at her as she walked by. It was so obvious. So im confused. He also tends to like attention and has a big ego...I dont think he would ever cheat on me, but I do think he would talk to other girls and keep contacts with people that are interested in him... and I dont agree with that. He adds girls on his myspace and always has messages in his inbox...does that mean he just likes to know he is wanted...but thats all? I just dont know when a red flag is there that I should be concerned? I just dont want to get screwed over...

If I have a servicemark, but decide later to offer goods, do I need to get a trademark as well?

Trademarks are for offering goods, and Servicemarks are for offering services. What if I have a registered servicemark, for an organization which offers services, but decide in the future, to start offering goods as well? Would i still be covered/protected under the servicemark, or would I have to apply for trademark?

Do you use imperfect when you are talking about a movie in Spanish?

I have to write about a movie in Spanish so do you use the imperfect when you are summarizing the move or what tense do you use??? Thanks

Help me with a rhyme for my song?

ok so im trying to write a deep verse right now and im stuck. i cant come up with a way to say this. i am trying to say that we both have gone through big things or hard times in our life and how we now have each other or something like that. and yes this song is for my girlfriend so please help me. this can be an easy 10 points if you help me well!

What happens if a debit card payment isnt processed?

i bought some items on my debit card, i know that the shop then 'holds' the payment and then debits it from your card a couple of days later. well the payment showed itself as it was being held but then reappeared. can the shop try to re-take it automatically or are they unable to do this without me entering my pin .etc. again?

I need girl help please help?

well, i was talking to my friend (im a guy by the way) and me and her got in a fight. so she finally says she doesn't want to talk to me anymore and she doesn't want me to talk to her. but when i say something like "ok whatever you want" she starts talking to me again and answers me when i talk to her. also one time when our friendship was on the brink of being destroyed because of something stupid i did (and yes i confess to it) i said i would understand if she never wanted to see me again, but again she gave me a second chance, so my questions are, what is the meaning behind this, and is there something wrong with her because it seems no matter what i do she always gives me a second chance, not that i don't want her to but still.

Are Mickie and Cena really together now?

Yes, they're really together. WWE is "trying" to play off of them being a real-life item. Let's see how this turns out.

L!berals: Why is the Collective more important than the Individual?

It is easier for Liberals and Radical Extreme Leftists to get the power that they crave from a Collective rather than from a group of individuals.

What oz gloves were used by Jack Dempsey and Jess Willard in their fight?

Just curious due to the details of the damage Willard sustained; broken jaw, eye socket, cheek bone, ribs and loss of hearing in one ear.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How long does it take Marijuana to leave you system if ingested once?

if you really only did it once 3 days at the most it has to build up to be in you for 30 days.if your fat it might stay a little longer

Propositioned on Facebook?

These are just spambots. Ignore them. Do not add them as friends or respond to them. They are scams to try to get you to go to a link that contains a virus and will attack your computer and send the same message to all of your contactcs. Or they are scams to get you to reveal your personal information, or to sign up for their webcam, or to make you go to some "verification" site saying they just need your credit card number but won't charge it, then your card is maxed out within 10 minutes

What would I do in my situation?

At School, I am always being bullied. I tried to prank them but I got caught by the teacher and been put to the office. I also tried to go to the Guidance Office but they only said to just not mind them bit they're to much so punched them in the face and there's a teacher who was just standing by the corridor and saw me. I'm always the magnet of bad luck there was this one time It was our quiz when we were ping the papers I forgot to write my name so I got back my paper and wrote my name when I was going to p it my teacher said that late papers will not be accepted. Everyone laughed at me. I never had friends to comfort me seems like no one understands me

How do you put the belt on a hoover vacuum?

Start by turning it over so you are looking at the operational side - the "beater bar". Should be a couple a screws to undo so then you can get to the beater bar. Get the old belt out and either match it up with the new one or buy correct replacement.

Should I become a pro gamer?

Hell yeah man. Anyone with enough skill and pion to pull off a job in the gaming industry should go for it. I've played shooters for pretty much my whole life now, and placed in some tournaments, i won like $1000 at a local gaming lounge once for about 3hours "work". so it definitely enough money in it. You could possibly even work for a gaming company, being a beta tester or something like that. Go for it man. at the very least it will earn you enough money to put you through college. I don't really think that people look down on gamers or anything like that, I live in New Zealand and almost my mates play games, even my girlfriend. I reckon it's worth it and you should go hardout.

Diluting a solution, get the right molarity.?

Your calculation is wrong---you dilute 0.66666666=0.67L of 18 M Sulphuric acid to 2.0 L of 6M Sulphuric acid(1>>>3 dilution)--M1V1=M2V2

Is hypnotism real and how can i use it?

ive read molly moons increadable book of hypnotism and ive tried to hypntize my cat then my fish but it didnt work i also tried it on my enemy but he thinks im a stalker so i need advise on how to hypnotise animals/people please try thanks

Do you think its sad that the races will disappear eventually?

I do, i m proud of my race, i don't hate anyone, all i want is for the races to survive, i like humans differences, asian, black white or whatever, but someday we will disappear and it saddens me beyond words, yet if you voice this your a racist, i don't understand.

Is this a good tattoo idea?

I want what people would say "tramp stamp" but I want to get my last name. I'm a girl so it's going to change but I still want to. Any ideas!???

What are some good ways to cook chicken for sandwiches? (NO grilling)?

i was going to grill thin sliced chicked for sandwiches, but its raining today and the chicken is already thawed, and i am craving chicken sammies:) how else can i cook these to make them taste yummy???? i am never happy when i bake it... is their something i am doing wrong? or can do better?

Should Gary Neville retire?

Yes. All he does is foul the other team and risk conceding important set pieces and risk getting sent off. And now we have Rafael, Neville isn't needed.

I have a mysterious rash that only comes once a year.?

I have a rash that only comes once a year, in the same spot. It has white bumps and a red area around. It is painfull. Any thoughts as to what this could be?

[Learning] Korean Language?

DEFINATELY Talk to Me in Korean! It's the BEST! :) The teachers are really funny and the lessons are interesting and always keep ur attention. They make it easy to understand too. On youtube and iTunes they have all these fun videos on more cultural stuff but lots of learning vids too. Real fun!

Why do mvp caliber super stars always stink in the playoffs?

I'm guessing the pressure gets to them. That's the down fall from being so good and being MVP caliber, people expect a lot from you, and it gets to you.

Where to buy dogs for a low price?

i am visiting nc and i wanna find a puppy there.. either a chi-poo or a yorkie-poo for about $100-$200 dollars, please include pictures and maybe a website!!! Thanx

When i do push-ups a part of my stomach hurts...?

When i do pushups, like 3 inches left from my belly on is where it gets painfull..i know it hurts because im like a flat board when i do pushup, and im completly stretched out, but idk if its just cause its really right or my muscle just needs stretched out, but it JUST started happening, and i never had the problems before, why would this happen suddenly?

English exam next tuesday....?

unless you make really heavy list of annotations woudl they confie it. just dont' make it so obvious you've got a whole essay pointed out.

Heath Ledger, the jokers voice?

it's his real voice, it took him over a month to perfect it. To prepare for his role as the Joker, Heath Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month, formulating the character's psychology, posture and voice (the last one he found most difficult to do).

Why do you think Demi Moore and Bruce Willis' Kids are sooooo Ugly?

I don't know... I've only seen Rumor. But I thought the same thing. I feel mean for thinking it though. But her parents are so pretty! I feel bad...

Does this man loves me? Here's the situation,we are living together...we take good care of each other..but:?

He sounds like is scared of love its self! well if you want to be with a person whos scared of commitment then go for it but remember $ does not buy happiness!

My friend is acting weird.?

I just called my friend Hannah to see if I could wear this cute pair of leggings tommarow of hers. (we're always swapping clothes) and she said in a freaky trembling voice "I-if y-you want to y-you can. OKAY BYE KRIS!" and hung up. Whats up and what should I do.

For PS2 is Half-Life the closest game to Doom?

My favourite game of all time is doom or quake but in terms of PS2 what game or games resemble a close match?

When should take a pregnancy test?

my last 2 lmp was june 25 th then july 26. Think that we could possibly expecting and bd on august 6th but not sure when i should test and no sign of A.F. but also no real signs of pregnancy like the first pregnancy which ended in m/c last year and doctor been said it was ok 2 continue ttc since then. wat should i do please no smart answers only serious answers.

Why won't Thomas Jefferson look at me anymore?

Seriously. I mean, SURE he might be mad about the Hamilton thing... and the whole secession plot... and the other secession plot... but I mean, come on, Wilkinson and I were just going to have a little FUN with N'Orleans. I can see him now, every time I walk into the Oval Office/White House/Capitol/Sally Hemming's shack, he just goes into a facepalm...

Plz rate my ffb team!?

You need to say how many teams are in the league. For a 10, this is good, but not anything beyond that. For a 12, it's excellent.

Why would a god sacrifice "himself" or his son just to take away "your" sin?

Now hear me out. where is the logic in this? If jesus was god, why would he scream out at the end "father why hast thou forsaken me?" and another point to be brought up. Where is the sence that he would not punish US for our sins "so long as we bath in the blood of christ" yet punish his perfect son for sins he himself had never commited. How could god be so perfect yet pick men that would contradict themselves throughout the bible over and over. Do you not feel that maybe just maybe the king james version of the bible is somewhat tainted or wrong? Please, i'm interested in all educated answers and am not trying to make anyone angry.

To White Males: What do you think of Judge Sotomayor's speech pitting judgement of Latinas vs. White Males?

I think Sotomayor's comments demonstrate the racism inherent in left-wing ideology. While accusing everyone else of racism, the Left views everything through the lens of race - which is the true definition of what "racism" is. Sotomayor is completely unfit to be on the Supreme Court, though I doubt this will prevent her from being confirmed.

What should the title of my essay be?

I'm writing an essay for honors english about whether or not we should ban edgar allan poe from our school. I've finished the essay, but i can't come up with a title. Help me please?

You are welcome to comment on "The Truth Shall Make You Mad" thanks.?

It's not my kind of poem, but not bad. You have a good grasp of form and it seems original and from the heart. I like it.

Travel - Cambodia to Thailand?

What are the options of travel between Cambodia and Thailand. Will probably be in Siem Riep or Phenom Pehn and going to Phuket or Bangkok. Cost and time?

What do you think of my metaphors and Philosophical sayings?

"To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today." — Isaac Asimov.

Anyone ever drive a manual transmission Dodge Caravan or Plymouth Voyager?

We had one as a delivery van at the dealership I worked at. I'm pretty sure it was a late 80's model. It was gutless, but for what we used it for it worked out just fine.

Have the denver broncos ever been 4-0?

Yes. Remember during the 90's the Broncos do have 2 Superbowls. I believe one of those years they were 12-0 before losing there first game.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Help-what starts off as a perfect rose when it opens suddenly wilts?

Could this be a soil problem? I put in a new bed last year and as I dug it up there were a million ants in there, I treated the area with ant killer, then added new soil and sand (the area was all clay). I put in two new tea roses and they looked healty until the flowers began to open and then they just stopped blooming and wilted. This year I added a new tea rose to the area and the same thing is now happening with the new rose. The leaves look fine but once the rose begins to open it just wilts over. I know teas are more difficult, but I've never had this happen before. Any ideas? I'm really wondering if it was the ant killer : ( Thanks.

What would Joe Wilson think of Saddam's yellowcake stockpile just shipped to Canada?

He would reply "I can't see it ,is it invisible,maybe it isn't real, It's all Bush's fault-you just have to believe me i am a democrat , I am always right especially when i am LEFT...(LOL)

What do you call a fruit that is orange shaped, lime green colored, sweet/tart and yelloworange inside?

I found this weird citrus fruit in my yard and in looks like a cross between and lime and an orange. It taste seet and slightly tart, it is green and black (blemishes,) and has lemon shaped seeds. It is growing in area close to Florida in sandy soil and lots of sun. It also produces a lot of juice. What is it?

Which is better for an afghan?

Try crocheting a granny square afghan. Simple squares with groups of three double crochets and keep them to 4 rounds. Either pick three or four of your favorite colors or use a bunch of colors to make a traditional granny square afghan.

Should i try to work things out or just leave her?

so i have been with this girl for only 2 weeks but we have 2 years of friendship together. we always liked eachother but not tell now done anything about it. so last night we had plans to go to dinner but they got cancled because of work problems. after she was done with work she stoped texing me for the night. this morning she texted me and told me after work she went to her ex boyfriends house for the night. he lives an hour and a half away. she told me she still has feelings for him and she goes up there weekly to hang with him. i like her alot but cant stand the thought of her driving that far to see some other guy. she said she likes me and they are just friends but i dont know. i want her but i am afraid that later on i will find out she was cheating on me with him or she will just leave me for him. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I cant get my centre and behind speakers to work on my 5:1 speakers for my pc???

I have an advent t9106 and just recently bought some 5:1 speakers, the side 2 and the sub-woofer work but not the behind and the centre? even though they're all plugged into the right slots. Anyone got any ideas..???

Do you chuckle when people say "Zac Efron is Hot!"?

I just can't help but laugh. A few of my friends think he is hot stuff. I think she (I apologize! I mean HE) looks like a she-man.

Can you Pick your best combo?

Please, no names that sound alike. In my family, we had a vicki, nicky and ricky...we heard "icky" and it was so confusing. I like number 3. Same first letter, but different sounding. Middle names...Kyle James or Joseph...Kellie Marie or Lynne.

Guess the players who tested positive for steroids in"03"?

Can any one guess some of the name that will come out eventually for testing positive for anabolic steroids. There are supposedly 103 names. Some of the players i would guess would be. And i will feel bad if im wrong but here goes. Trot Nixon, Johnny Damon, Manny of course. anybody else have any guesses?

Is there direct flights from Los Angelas to the UK?

My friend is coming from LA to Northern Ireland..belfast international prob. I don't know if he can go straight from LA to UK..prob London then get connection to belfast or will he need to transfer in new york then another to UK then another flight to Nothern ireland?

Changed my order on ebay?

I don't really know how ebay works so...anyway, I accidentally committed to buying a case that I didn't mean to. I did want one of the cases the seller was selling but I picked the wrong pattern (cheetah instead of leopard.) I e-mailed them right away and they e-mailed back saying they changed my order from cheetah to leopard. But when I checked the order info on my account it still says "Your choice:CHEETAH". Do I need to e-mail them back or should I trust they are going to send the right case? As I said, not really sure how this all works...

Why do Democratic presidents run much lower deficits than Republican ones?

Democrats actually know how to balance their resources and they know how to provide maximum benefit to all.

Human beef farms????

i am looking for a list of humanly raised and killed,free range,organic,gr fed,beef farms.i know some companys send their cows to big industrys who kill them andtreat them bad even if they are organic .but im looking for a beef company who kills their organic grfed cows humanly and there with them.not in a big company.so a list of oraganic,gr fed,free range,humanly killed/raised,etc beef farms that i cam buy their meat online at their website or at my local shop.i live in portsmouth nh by the way

What do you think of Teddy " Don't drive on a bridge" Kennedy's request to change a law to favor the Democrats?

It's simple Machusetts politics. The law (MA Constitutional Amendment, actually) will be changed back. MA is a one-party state. The state house and senate are 88% Democrats, the Governor is Democrat, the Congressional delagation is 100% Democratic. There are no Republicans waiting in the wings with large war chests. (Mitt has other plans, besides he has burned his bridges.)

This is my 3rd day of fighting the bankerfox, win/nuquel virus. I have tried everything! why on 1 account? hlp?

I have downloaded recommended: Dr, Ad Watch, (which I had to uninstall avast) and several others.Even been in safe mode & tried recommendations. It is only on one account. I cannot get online on that account, so I'm using the other to download, copy, then run on effected account. I have now purchased Avast (as I was using a free). this supposedly has more protection? and am running a full scan now. Each time I have ran a scan, its about 8 hrs! I dont know what else to try. Please help!! Thanks, Connie

To party or not to party? help please!!!!

i am really shy and really dont have a certian group of friends anymore because we got in a fight and i was invited to a party by the most popular guy at school. we are friends and stuff but i am not really friendly with all the popular kids. its not that they dont like me its just they aren't who i hang out with. i wnat to go to the party but i am nervous nobody will talk to me and i will look lame. should i go?

Is this a good start to a book... first time ever writing. its rough iavnt corrected anything be honest?

The date was November 27, 1990. A baby was born that weighed 8.3 ounces, His name was Joshua. He was born in Federal Way, Washington.. From this day on he would start his life with no looking back. It was a generation where people wore neon colored clothing and pop music was the new wave of the future. Josh grew up in a normal cled family, He had 3 brothers. He was a very energetic baby and always had a smile on his face. As time grew on and he got older, Joshua and his family moved from federal way to Kent, Washington. When Joshua was 6 years old his older brother was out riding his dirt bike in the backyard whom of which was only 9 at the time ran him over. Later that week he had been climbing on the entertainment center which enclosed a 50 inch TV later did he find out that the thing was falling before his eyes and coming straight towards him. He laid helplessly on the floor unconscious. Later that day he was rushed to the hospital and luckily only encountered minor problems. In the year 1999, The family packed up and moved again this time to a small town in the country on a house with 2 acres. They lived very happily there for at least he though, After a year of living there his parents started going through a nasty divorce, There was violence throughout the house, Alcohol, and even drugs. Joshua was always in the middle of everything as his other brothers stayed off in the distance keeping to themselves trying to ignore what was going on. It was November 27, 2000 it was Joshua’s birthday. As the family sat down to eat the birthday cake a huge fight broke out that lead to police and domestic violence. As the 9 year old child sat there alone blowing out his candles, He made a wish that would never come true! One night Joshua waited tell his parents went to sleep and he went into the kitchen and grabbed a box of tiles and a crow bar and started ripping the molding around the doors off and the tiles around the fireplace off, His father thought he was doing this out of rage and immediately checked him into a psychiatric ward. It wasn’t a act of rage, He just wanted to try and redo what his father had talked about doing, he thought maybe just maybe it would bring his family closer together. The day was September 7th 2001, the house was being repainted and ready to be sold. The divorce was final. The fighting was finally over, but the family was destroyed. He moved in with his older brother and father switching schools for the 4th time. He prayed to god every night that his family would once again reunite, Again he was let down. Now while Joshua lived with his father, He let him do pretty much whatever he wanted. His dad never really looked over him, he worked a lot and never had time for his family. He was given permission to drive without a license and did so for about a 2 years. He couldn’t prepare himself for what would come next he was given the keys and told to go to the store and accidentally got into a accident so he took off and plowed through a intersection t boning a mini van. At the age of 15 he had letters in the mailbox from Chase Manhattan and Citi financial, They where credit cards, All together the cards had a staggering credit limit of $40,000. He went out and bought a 1976 Camaro with all the bells and whistles. What came next would change his life forever. He went to banks and took out cash advances and soon got into the world of drugs. Cocaine was his drug, He was spending 200 dollars a night. The equivalent to 6 grams when the lethal dose is 1.5- 2 grams. He was in and out of the hospital for overdosing, And was in and out of rehabs that never seemed to help. He finally kicked the habit and got into ecstasy, One time he took 13 pills and ended up in the hospital only to find out that he might not make it out alive. He was lucky enough to leave the next day. He was always a good kid even throughout the drug use. The credit card money not only went to support his drug habits but he helped out his brothers when his father wasn’t around. He would buy them things that they only dreamed of, wanting them to have the best of things. He tried his best to make his family happy. The drugs where all just a escape from reality. His father was a alcoholic that drank a 5th a day which later lead Joshua onto binge drinking. His father would hit him and blame him for everything that went wrong in his life,

What is the difference between an authoritarian government and a dictatorship?

I know dictatorships are ruled by one supreme person, and authoritarian by a group..are there any other major differences?

Help Find My Real Birth Father!?

this is kinda funny cuse we dont know my grandfathers dad his last name is Stevens.... thought it was kinda funny

Which type of Rat???!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Well I maybe getting a rat but my mom said I have to wait until the summer is over cuz it will get hot in my room and it will smell REALLY bad cuz I already have a Black Bear Syrian hamster named Sammy in my room. I love him to death, and Sammy is 5 or 6 months old. But anyway, if I get a rat, which type??? I know there are a lot of different types and colors, but I don't know which one to get. Can you tell me which one is the best type and give pics, and should I get 2 or 1 ??? THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

What to do about the boys and the girls?

All right, so I'm in high school and I've always been super close to the guys. It's not that I'm a tomboy...I'm actually a total girl...I can just relate to the geeks. We even laugh together! I just feel like all geeks AND nerds in the future will just look at me as a friend. And I love nerds, so eventually (sometime in the future I want to be with one). Will they ALWAYS look at me as a friend (I'm not talking about the geeks I know now but the future...the ones I will know)? Also, how can I get closer to girls as friends? I'm not really good a social stuff. Only if it's with guys. I love guys so much! XD And I'm not a tramp...I'm just friends with a lot of guys. But if they hang out, they usually leave me out of it. Help, what should I do?

Loosing Weight Query?

i have just started a new school. it is private and all the girls have really good figures. i have onl just started to realise that i am looking a bit "podgey" around the thigh and stomach area, and i was wondering if anyone had any idea how to get rid of wieght from those ares. it would really boost my confidence. thanks :)

Would you consider Catholicism the "true"/pure form of Christianity?

Greek Orthodox is closest to Apostlistic Christianity. No branch of Christianity is remotely like what Jesus actually preached.

Does anyony have a sample of a Banquet departmant organizational chart?

I am creating my business plan for a Banquet Facility. I need istance to ensure I don't forget a position.

I need help with files on a cd that won't open?

I have a cd for school that has all kinds of printable files on it. The main page opens up in an internet explorer window just like you've gotten on the internet but you're really not. Some of the files open as a pdf. The problem is that the cd works perfectly on my desktop, but not on my laptop where I really need it work. It will open some of the files but not all of them. The particular part I'm having problems with this one file that on my desktop when I click on that file it show the list of all the papers that I can open and they open in the internet explorer just fine. But, when I try the exact thing on my laptop, the file is empty. It doesn't make sense. What am I missing? I've reinstalled internet explorer 7, I've even tried downloading firefox and I've ran my updates by nothing seems to help.

Did i make the right decison by walkin away from her?

i met this gurl in the summer of 09 and me and my bro had a bet i could have with her before the end of the summer and i started to like her maybe even love her but then when the moment came to have with her i couldnt do it idk i guess it was my consious and after that we where. never the same we went from bff to see u every once in a while then she started dating this guy and then i was hangin at her house and i was holdin her u know watchin a movie and she said she cared alot about me but she cared alot about him to so instead of going after her and i just stop talkin to. Her and after a while we werent friends anymore and nows its 2011 i seen her again and shes still with him and she has a baby but it makes me wonder how it would have ended up if i didnt give up and throw my feelings aside? u think i made the right decison?

Is 10w-40 yamalube4 good to run in the transmission on 2000 Yamaha blaster?

So i have read up on it and it says it is okay to run but i just want to make sure. so please help me?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do i do this with my hair?

a href="http://www.mercextra.com/blogs/realitytv/wp-content/photos/PEOPLE_GWEN_STEFANI.JPG" rel="nofollow"http://www.mercextra.com/blogs/realitytv…/a

Hypnosis stuff?

I recently got hypnotized and my friends said I did a lot of funny and crazy things. These included thinking I was a cat, forgetting my name, dancing, giving a lap dance, having an when my foot was touched, and being stuck to the floor. Anyone out there ever been hypnotized and what is the funniest thing you did while under. Thanks!

How do you properly site a source were eveything but the title is unknown?

I'm positive that you just fill in what you know, and leave it at that. Meaning keep it in the basic format style but fill in what you know.

Dan brown books suck..what do you think?

yesterday i just finished the da vinci code and at the beginning was ok but than it got weirdly stupid :S:S:S it really sucked ...what do you guys think???? ..im gonna read "das Parfum" next .....loved the movie cant wait to read it :D:D:D:D

Fantasy hockey trade... tell me who wins?

youre in first, why would you trade? if you wanna trade, dont get rid of malkin unless you try to get some extra cash (lol kidding). i say give him neal and get savard, cuz hes back dude and hes not leaving. the bruins are getting hot and the best player on the team is finally healthy. look for savvy to put up monster points in the remaining weeks of the season.

What should I do about a clmate with BO?

I was paired to share a 2-person table in homeroom with a boy who has really bad BO. I didn't want to tell him about it, though. He smells like stale salami, rust, glue, and raw eggs. What can I do about it without telling him that he stinks? I don't want to hurt his feelings.

The Kardashian sisters treat their mom BADLY?

I'm watching the latest episode of the Kardashian show and I'm really starting to see how badly these spoiled brats treat their mother, Kris. Khloe has a nasty tone to her voice toward Kris, whenever she is upset with her mom. Kim is up on a pedastel and thinks her sh*t don't stink. And Kourtney has a downright nasty attitude. Yeah, I understand that she was frustrated that Kris forgot her photoshoot but geez, there is something called FORGIVENESS. This episode has made their likeability factor drop in my opinion. I am not a big fan of theirs to begin with but this made it worse.

Is New Teacher Flirting With Me?

yea sounds like she may be interested. but i would wait til you're done with her cl to become involved.

My friend group has split up?

Its really sad when friendship groups grow apart but it is honestly a fact of life. I went through the same thing and so did my two sisters. I'm in my twenties now and I'm still getting used to not seeing certain people or not having a closeness to them anymore! Try and concentrate on yourself and your new friends, eventually you'll see the positive reasons as to why your not so close anymore and learn that its all part of growing up and finding out who you are as an individual.

Now the time comes where i should get seperated from my wife and children?

with refrance to my first question on yahoo, i feel bad but i have to leave my wife along with childrens.i accepted that i am from a low middle cl family and due to the force of my family i had to get married a girl from rich background but she was not my choice.I never ever have a love feeling towards her neither she could able to satisfy me though she tried hard.but its says that love is a inner feeling and you can not love someone by force its just happens in life.After the marriage ,i tried hard to keep her with me till today but i always had a feeling inside me that though she is my wife but she is also the cause of my depression and failures.Now my mind is so destructive that i could not able to find the real job for me and now in a position to disinvest the ornaments to livelihood.No support from the father in law side, they are also now harring me that they will take her daughter back to their home if things not get changed.My sisters knows very well that i am dissatisfied with my wife therefore they are calling me to live with them but the condition is that i have to forget the properties and surrender to them .What should i do? i am fix and sometimes my mind says suiside.

At what age should a child give up their pacifier?

You have to be careful with this one. Some children use a paci as a comforting thing to soothe them. If you take it away to soon he/she may rebel (depending on age), I would try to cut back on usage until it's gone. Maybe only for sleeping, then only at night, then maybe everyother night. You know your child best do what feels comfortable fot you and baby. I do agree with the others a yr sounds like a good time to stop, Good Luck:)

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (Rating factors) for a job?

It is natural, as american job market is bigger than uk. For Indians like me and millions more, it is a dream to set up businesses in these countries, for a person like me, who is running a recruitment company, in the name of "Jindal International" www.jobsbyjindal.com , both these countries are like another world. People in India,spend thousands of dollars, sometimes sell their land\ house and use methods, amounting to "scam" to go to these countries, and try to gain authenticity in these countries.

What are the easiest Premier League clubs to get tickets for?

lmao i just like to put the first answerer straight, what the hell you on about middlesbrough stadium is always 80% empty.....what you see on tv when you watch the highlights...is the lower east stand....which doesnt get many fans seated there bcoz it is the crappest area , u dont get to see the west, west upper, north, and east upper, i cnt belive ppl who say tha about boro.....our capacity is 34,000, we get 26-30 a game...and sumtimes full houses. it is ok for the size of our town for god sake. take a look at blackburn ewood park they ***** even fill there ground against chelsea!!!! and also wigan, now that is 80% empty. and dont forget boltons.

Republicans can you answer my question?

Since most Democrats support repealing DADT and your kind hasn't entered the 21st century, how does it feel that the DADT survey that the pentagon has been conducting just came out, and it said that s can serve without harm?

So my date flaked on me and now i have noone to go with.?

so i asked a guy to the sadie hawkins dance and he flaked out today so i asked two other guys they said no..so i dont know what to do? should i even go or just say screw it? if i dont go what are some fun things to do for a girls night out?

What is a good scary movie to watch with ghosts and or an asylum?

I prefer the asylum part but either way. And id like it to be SCARY but not overly gory. Ive seen Session 9, Death Tunnel, and Boo and Madhouse already.

Am I the only one left who refuses to use 'TextSpeak'?

I find the people who use it tend to wear baseball hats and therefore have nothing useful to say anyway.

Cost Curve question- URGENT

Could someone describe what the cost curves would look like on this. - fixed costs 10$ per day, variable costs 1$ per unit. It can handle 50 units, and impossible to get more capacity. What does the Average cost curve, average fixed cost curve, and marginal cost curve look like. I know how to draw these usually, but im getting a bit messed up with the figures, and does the constant variable cost mean constant MC?

*Sigh* Why do I have no Talent?

I can't do anything. Everything I do, I am really bad at it... and I can't enjoy it. I have tried everything. I've been around horses my whole life (15 years) and still can't ride properly. I have a strong ambition that I have to get somewhere in life. I have to prove to everyone that my family name isn't just full of drop kicks. I want to do something sporty but I just can't find anything that I'm good at. It's really annoying because all of my friends have something they are really good at. I have a friend who is ranked 4th in the world for her age group in High Jump, a friend that is already semi- famous in singing, a friend who is going to try qualify for the olympic horse riding squad, a friend who is in the Australian Royal Ballet ociation or whatever its called and a friend who represents Australia at swimming. The rest of my friends are at least at state level for athletics or something. Then there's me. Talentless, useless me. Sitting on the sidelines WISHING I could be just as good as one of them at SOMETHING. God hates me. The end.

My spare tyre is a 15" but my car has 16" wheels?


It Didn't Hit Me Until Recently That Im Growing Up?

an old saying goes that home is where the heart is but in your case you are at a point in your life where you are expected to become more independent so do what must be done to get a good education and with luck mom will be able to move soon

What is the function of the moderator in a uranium fueled nuclear reactor?

The moderator slows down fast neutrons so that they will be less likely to escape. The longer they are in the core, the more likely they will interact with the fuel and create more fissions. In the case of the pressurized water reactor it also provides a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, which means that temperature feedback will correct anything but a cold water casualty.

Why dont woman want to go into menopause?

It's ociated with getting old, which nobody likes. Once you get menopause, you'll get a lot crankier and you can't have children anymore. Now that sounds pretty depressing to me.

My Mini 10 can't play movies?

Just bought Mini 10 with HD screen GMA 500 1 Gig ram and 1.6 ghz processor overclocked to 1.8 wont play any h264 or pretty much any movie. All I get is mive amounts of choppiness. Anyone have any suggestions.

Can I make beef stew with chicken broth?

The recipe I usually use for stew requires beef broth but I just realized that I don't have any and I already started cooking the meat! Can I use chicken broth instead?

I'm stuck on Zelda: Phantom Hourgl. The part where you are at the Temple of Fire.?

It's the part where the sign says "blow out the flames to illuminate the path ahead" I don;'t know how to "blow out the flames" how do you blow them out!??! PLEASE HELP ME IT"S SO ADDICTING! :)

So this guy at my new job...?

.Most guys given the opportunity want .Still if you and him have an inkling for each other.Then why not see where this leads.Even if it turns out he is an *** you can dump him

Things to do on amtrak, besides the obvious reading, music, etc?

My boyfriend and i are taking a 30 hour Amtrak train ride from the south up north for the holidays. we are getting one of the small rooms, so we will have our own little private compartment with a small area. last trip we took, we were bored with reading, watching movies, listening to music, playing games, etc after the first 5 hours or so. i thought maybe since we are going up for christmas, it might be a good idea to make christmas presents. for example, we purchased a whole bunch of mason jars and candy and were going to make some gift jars for Christmas for all our friends and family. besides handmade ornaments, what could we do on the train that could be fun and productive? any homemade Christmas present ideas that could be done on the train if we bring the supplies? thanks!

Should i pick up Felix Jones?

My running backs are McGahee, Reggie Bush, Addai and Hightower. It is a full point per reception league. Should i pick up Jones, if so, who should i drop?

Why cant i win in a 12 team league?

Do you have a cap on how many trades and waivers you can do? Because I would have picked up people from the waiver wire for half of your squad. ie Favre, Torain, Britt, Moss, Bradford. Is Cel or Fitzpatrick available? You're stacked at RB but WR and QB needs some help!!!

On top gear a few months ago?

clarkson drove from somewhere to scotland on one tankful of diesel. i know it was a vw car but cant remember which one? oh and back again. there was a camera in the fuel tank too.

I have a social problem and it needs improvement?

Hi, I may be way off the mark here, but these are symptoms of someone with mild Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and I know you will automatically wave this away, but you should definitely look into it. If I am wrong, then I suggest you find a small group of peers to go out with on a regular basis, as i'm sure this will help improve your social skills. I hope I helped, and just e-mail me if you have anymore questions.



Why won't my central heating boiler switch off?

I have a Triancogas boiler which will not switch off with the timer, I have to turn it off at the pump isolating fuse, and as soon as I turn the pump fuse back on it fires up again. I have tried a new timer but this was to no avail, the room thermostat is switching on and off Okay so where do I go from here? HELP!!!!!

Men's Tailor in Bangkok, Thailand.?

What people don't understand is that all the suits are made by the same low pay lao and burmese worked in a factory. Your tailor just sends the material and measurements to the factory where the suit or whatever is made. The Thai you see at the tailor just do alterations and the Indian is the front man. It's not the tailor its the material that counts more. Doesn't matter how many presidents had there suit done at this or that tailor the seamstress is the same girl for you or George Bush.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Help becoming a ... US Army and Air Force help?

Ok, over the summer I was going to enlist in the USAF DEP, and go to collage while in, commission as an Officer, then hopefully become a fighter pilot. Well a problem came up, when I was 4 years old, I broke my arm and I have a huge scar, their. It turns out because of this the Air Force wouldn't take me, but the US ARMY would, I am currently DEP in the Army to be an 11x Option 4(Airborne Infantry). Now If I get a degree, and when Im done with the Army, can I become an Officer in the Air Force and try to become a pilot? I am currently starting flying lessons toward getting a Pilots License, would having a Pilots license help? I would really just love to fly in the Air Force, I prefer fixed wing. I really want to fly the A-10(call me weird I know), but I would be happy with a C-130, or any other aircraft. Also I was told from a few pilots I met at an airshow, that a degree in Political Science is better than an Aero Engineering degree, is this true?

Would you ever ....?

Lol, absolutely brilliant ! I dont know if I would do any of them but it took a genius to ask this question.

I feel like i'm being feed lies?

I'm a 13 year old girl who feels like i'm being brainwashed about almost everything. I'm a curious person and i like to figure things out for myself so i don't take my parents word for much. I've searched up things from subliminal messaging, religion, the government, free masonry, the Da vinci code, illumintai, dollar bills, crop circles, anti-christ, FRID chips and a whole bunch of other things. To be honest, i have never been so confused in my life. I want someone to give me answers, things that could clear this all up for me because everyday i feel like i'm being feed lies. I feel like the music, movies, commercials and etc will almost always have something hidden in it because that's just how it is i guess and i'm tired of it. I don't want to be brainwashed. Help me please?


Okay! I was listening to my grandmother and she told me to park my car in the yard because if I park it on the street someone will hit it. So being the obedient granddaughter I am I did. Well long story short I parked t in the yard today in the car got extremely stuck in mud! And I cant get it out. And Im so freaking right now because I got work in the AM. Can anybody give me any ideas on how to get it out! And will this mess up my vehicle in any way? Thanks in advance!!

Im almost 15 and i feel like i need to have a kid?

It has to be a lot, think about , there are females having kids when they are 35 ! Don't worry about, it just your hormones playing with your head. Don't do something stupid. Wait atleast till your out of high school. but better yet when you have a steady job and take care of a kid! they aren't cheap !.

Dos he like me i need to no now?

You will never know unless you ask him. Whats the worst that can happen? He says no, then you move on.

What we're the final membership figures of AFL clubs 2008?

Not sure of the exact figure, but you can average it out at 30,000 per club x 16 so roughly 480-500,000 members, some teams have 40,000+ like Coll, Carl Ess, Adel, with the lowest probably the Swannies with 25,000

What do you think of my tatoo ideas?

hey i am 14 and i have 7 tattoo's , i love all your idea but the sword one is my favorite , however some jobs wont let you have visible tattoo's so be careful and on the lip is ment to hurt but your ideas pretty cool and i would choose that one but you wont be able to see it!! get that one after your sword cause it sounds awesome!

Proposition 21 thesis?

A thesis statement is simply the main argument of your essay. You already know what that is (you stated it in your question); you just need to make it a little more concise. :)

Can this be allowed to happen ?

you know this sort of stuff is just so common now that he probably will get the money..i know what I'd like to do to the dirty piece of s...the PC nonsense has gone too far now and the criminals now have more rights than the victims..totally ridiculous... offenders should all be given the lethal injection in my eyes..no use pieces of s

Show me the relationship between F and Chi-square, by way of a mathematical expression linking one to the othe?

Show me the relationship between F and Chi-square, by way of a mathematical expression linking one to the other. Your answer should be a mathematical formula, and explain what all the terms in the formula mean.

Can i be pregnant?

My period comes whenever it wants. it usually comes in the 20's but the last time it came was on sept. 30th. It lasts for abut 1wk or sometimes less. im 1wk and 4days late. And my boyfriend && I have unprotected . What do you think???

Is this honestly a good idea for a romance novel?

It doesn't sound like anything I would read. The names are really pretty bad and the plot is nothing new or exciting. You may want to develop it a bit more.

Is copying text information and pictures from "CWG Delhi 2010 website" to do child's homework, illegal?

CWG is Common Wealth Games. My Child has to make file containing information and pictures on Logo, Mascot, Games, venues, stadiums etc related to common wealth games in delhi 2010. No chart/information is available in market, so how we should help child in doing this work? All this information is available on Internet.

Where is a cheap place/ shop to get alignment done at?

I hit a snow bank while driving down a slipper busy street. Well it was coming down a hill after a great big Blizzard in MN. I tried braking but my car kept skidding forward. The light down the hill has turned from red to green and cars perpendicular from me were already starting to cross green on their lane. I had to choice but to ram my car into the nearest snow bank, because I'd rather not get into a car accident. So, now my penger rear tire is making noises as well as shaking my car a whole ton while driving. I talked to my sister's husband whose a mechanic however, they live quite a distance from the city and I'd rather not drive it up north with a "default" tire, know any place where I can get an alignment done and balance my car out? I need it done for cheap and good? because i'm poor during the holidays. plus I'm getting laid off work :'(

I ovulated 4/4, when can I take a pregnancy test?

Its best to wait 14 days from ovulation to ensure that implantation has happened and your levels of HCG have had time to build up to a readable level. So you should get an accurate result around the 18th.

Does anyone believe that Tasmania will eventually have their own AFL team?

It would be nice for all those would be and current players who want to represent their home state, but my theory is that the AFL are not at all interested simply becasue they hope to eventually re-locate struggling Victorian teams. What do you think?

Is it safe to sing when sick?

I have a talent show tomorrow and I have been coughing a lot. My nose in stuffy and I feel congested. Is it safe to sing this way?

What do you think of my story so far?

Very suspenseful and figuritive... However, a little more characterisation is required and then you'll ace it.

At what age do parents break it to their kids that there IS no Santa Claus?

I'm a kid, my parents, never told me about Santa. My mother used to believe Santa was real until she saw him taking off his beard in his dressing room. I would never lie to my children for years about something that doesn't exist. Do you know how much trust that breaks? You can lose trust over things like this! I have a friend to this day believes that Santa exist, and he will not play with dolls, though he doesn't think Santa is nearly as "un-manly" as dolls are. If you don't tell them, the kids will find out themselves, and it will not be a very happy revelation. If you tell them now, you can work out the trust you have lost. My dad, grew up in a poor family, all his schoolmates believed in Santa, but he didn't because he never got any presents for Christmas. Don't destroy your children's trust with this character!

Cbssportsline, 10 team, H2H League: Should I pick up jAY Bruce and cut Joey Votto? (i just actually cut bruce.

your pbatting line up looks pretty strong. you should improve your picthing though. thats where it lacks reliability and experience.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is America headed for dictatorship?

Wow... my parents and grandparents were just talking about this the other day... and they think that bush might be planning something to make us turn into a dictatorship... such as dragging us into another war and then saying that there shouldn't be another election while we're in it so that he can stay prez.... tough question...

Tru tech tv,remote code?

It depends on the universal remote,since the code databases vary amongst remote manufacturers, or even models.

I found some black spots on a br ornament at home. Are these spots harmful?

There's this br ornament thingy in my bathroom and there are black spots on it. Can this be something harmful or is it just dirt?

How do I replace the bearings in my hoover nextra 6 washing machine?

The whole drum embly has to come out through the top. And behind it is the shaft that rides on the bearings located at the back.

Fantasy Baseball Help?

Contrary to popular belief Hart should be decent this year. He hits at the top of a very good lineup that will only push him to not choke in his 2nd year. Considering who you have starting in the outfield though you could spare him. you don't need what he can give you that bad, Crawford and Granderson more than make up for it. I would get Putz then you would have the 2 best relievers in the game. you could either use Street for P duties and to help keep your team ERA and WHIP down or use him as trade bait if you get into trouble with injuries or whatever comes up. Matsui can just ride the bench till you need the filler.

Why do people hate foxes?

i see lots of questions on here asking how to get rid of and deter foxes. loads of people complaining about the poor things. if i had a fox in my garden id welcome them. they are our fellow creatures after all. why do so many people hate foxes?

How many wacky theories are there regarding December 21st, 2012?

Well, I am talking about end of the world theories.. Polar shifting Theories, Planet Nibiru Theories, Large Asteroid hitting earth Theories.. ..Solar System - Milky Way Alighment theories..

Using kitty litter to remodel a fireplace?

i seen on a renovation show where they used kitty litter on a fireplace to remodel it.i want to know how would you make the kitty litter stick to the brick on the fireplace so you can paint it afterwards.

Goin out with your guy best friend then breaking up!?

i was goin out with him but then i had to move he had promised we still would be friends after we broke up but now he ignores my tex messages. what should i do about this!

Would you eat meat if you saw where it came from?

Heavens yes! I live near a Swift Co. processing plant. It may smell terrible on the outside but the inside is worse in parts like the kill floor, the gut room.... I'm a professional butcher and work with other butchers that have side jobs at small plants. I hear all their stories and some are wild. Regardless of the smells or sights there are very strict federal laws regarding sanitation and safety. Also there is a much higher risk of disease when hunting animals that haven't been vaccinated and fed reasonably clean water. The risk in part comes from handling the carc and whatever critters are on it from various pathogens and critters in the meat or guts.

WWE Would You Rather.....?

Hug John Cena, Chat with Mickie & Michelle, Give five to the Miz, Meet Rey Mysterio, Hug John Morrison, Okay i guess i didn't answer your question. Take care Cali love you too!

How many people died in the Holocaust?

Hitler targeted s, communists and other political dissidents, , slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, dissidents, some Protestant pastors and Catholic priests, black people, the mentally and physically disabled, and others. The figures include the camps as well as the m graves in the countryside, killings on the street, organized m shootings (such as Babi Yar, etc.) and basically, any person singled out for their religion, political beliefs, or their ual orientation.the communist JEWS were the ones who killed tens of millions in russia, there were also 4 million german POW's after the war that were put to forced labor , Why the jew consider themselves as the only "important" victime of the holohoax????

Is there any data revealing whether most western religious people believe in evolution or not?

The National Geographic article at the link below shows that in northern Europe acceptance of evolution is around the 80% mark but in the US it's only about 40%.

What is the strangest body part ingested...at least chewed....yeah say no, never, etc. for we all know you...?

are a huge liar mouth.....so just kiss the pee pee so that you may add that to your long laundry list of denile which you keep all caged up.

Is Sarah Palin a loon for believing man is contributing to global warming & supporting corporate bailouts?

Thats the difference between us and the libs!!!! We are not commanded what to think!!!! Thanks for proving that FACT!!!!!!

Two questions about cutting ?

Yeah, your right, you should find a better outlet for the misery, but i completely understand your motivation behind this action. You feel as if you are abandoned and there is nobody that can bring you out of the depths of pain. but, don't take the easy way out. talk to your therapist about the real issue at hand, not the issue of cutting. And, about your guy friend, if you REALLY trust him, if you REALLY believe that he will help you, not make the situation worse, then by all means tell him. Tell him the truth and nothing but the truth. Good luck. :) just know that your never alone. there is always someone around to listen,

Why does God send the unfaithful to Michigan?

a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&biw=1106&bih=1171&q=hell+michigan&bav=on.1,or.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Hell,+MI&gl=us&ei=stldTcvaBInr8Aar942LCA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA" rel="nofollow"http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&biw=11…/a

What is the differnce between abh.gbh?

what is the more serious offence abh or gbh, and what is the difference.i no 1 is actual bodily harm n other grievious bodily harm

What is the difference between Affirmative Action and Legacy admissions?

You ask whether anyone can comprehend the difference between government schools and private schools. For leftists, the answer is obviously no. Leftists don't believe in private property, they believe government should dictate what private entities do with their property. Look at the NLRB trying to dictate where Boeing builds airplanes. It's scary.

Why doesn't someone take North Korea down a peg?

because despite what you hear, they DO have nuke technology and the americans are scared of them using it on south korea/china, which would have further repercutions on the west.

I have a WoW Macro question. Im playing a Hunter and need help with keeping an aspect on.?

theres no way. you are telling the macro to cast everytime and its going to do it everytime on and off just like you said. and no currently there is not a way to make it work the way your wanting to

I need hep with crochet lingo?

See the following link for help with that & pattern reading. a href="http://www.craftyarncouncil.com/crochet.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.craftyarncouncil.com/crochet.…/a

What are the contribution of rajiv gandi and atal bihari bajpai towards service to india ? COMPARE FOR MEDAL?

compare please . rajiv studies abroad -bajpai get education in india , rajiv do not want to serve people - forcefully enter politic to became PM - bajpai serve india for whole life ,rajiv must have received bofors bribe-- no such allegations to bajpai not even by any congress men . many many points which make us think that congress ruling in india is dangers for common people.why mr. bajpai is not eligible for BARAT RATNA and rajiv gandi is eligible ?

What are some reasons why someone would want to immigrate from Ireland to Ellis Island in 1916?

Okay so im writing a story for reading cl on someone from ireland and we're supposed to use historical events to help us think of why our immigrant immigrated from there home counrty to ellis island. So i need to know somethings about ireland in 1916. I was thinking that it could have something to do with world war 1, but im not quite sure on how it was for the irish! So i need some facts about ireland!? Please help me!?

Do you believe in Santa Claus?

I dont im just bored and I was on emailsanta.com I sent him a letter like I did when I was little hahahahah **cries**

My new carpet!??I needs help to put a pillow back together?

I ripped the instructions off a pillow and made a carpet out ofit but the pillow just blew up and I needs the instructions to know to put it back together but the instruyoons areruined because they are my a carpet and nose brushplease. Help me foo!!! Thanks!

Will I lose the weight I gained on depo provera when I stop taking it?

Been there Girl...I got the depo shot a few years ago and blew up to over 60 lbs overweight & was CONSTANTLY tired!! For me it took the shot wearing off (about a year) to finally start really losing weight & getting back my monthly cycle. When I got my period back, I started getting my body back. I lost all the weight in about a year after the shot wore off... Needless to say-I haven't and will never do that birth control again! I feel your pain-good luck!!

What do people think of My Lai?

I do not condone the My Lai atrocity . The only way I can even try to understand it, is the men and it's leader Lt. Calley were under such a burden and constant battle fatigue that something broke down in them that they commited acts that were dispicable under normal cirstances. As an American and a Vietnam vet this still makes me sick ! As a side note the moral and discipline of this unit was terrible, I became friends with a member of the Americal Div. and he was so stressed out mentally that he had lost contact with reality! War changes people in ways that normal person cannot understand.. Calley brought disgrace to our military and should have gotten far much more punishment than he did!