Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is this a good start to a book... first time ever writing. its rough iavnt corrected anything be honest?

The date was November 27, 1990. A baby was born that weighed 8.3 ounces, His name was Joshua. He was born in Federal Way, Washington.. From this day on he would start his life with no looking back. It was a generation where people wore neon colored clothing and pop music was the new wave of the future. Josh grew up in a normal cled family, He had 3 brothers. He was a very energetic baby and always had a smile on his face. As time grew on and he got older, Joshua and his family moved from federal way to Kent, Washington. When Joshua was 6 years old his older brother was out riding his dirt bike in the backyard whom of which was only 9 at the time ran him over. Later that week he had been climbing on the entertainment center which enclosed a 50 inch TV later did he find out that the thing was falling before his eyes and coming straight towards him. He laid helplessly on the floor unconscious. Later that day he was rushed to the hospital and luckily only encountered minor problems. In the year 1999, The family packed up and moved again this time to a small town in the country on a house with 2 acres. They lived very happily there for at least he though, After a year of living there his parents started going through a nasty divorce, There was violence throughout the house, Alcohol, and even drugs. Joshua was always in the middle of everything as his other brothers stayed off in the distance keeping to themselves trying to ignore what was going on. It was November 27, 2000 it was Joshua’s birthday. As the family sat down to eat the birthday cake a huge fight broke out that lead to police and domestic violence. As the 9 year old child sat there alone blowing out his candles, He made a wish that would never come true! One night Joshua waited tell his parents went to sleep and he went into the kitchen and grabbed a box of tiles and a crow bar and started ripping the molding around the doors off and the tiles around the fireplace off, His father thought he was doing this out of rage and immediately checked him into a psychiatric ward. It wasn’t a act of rage, He just wanted to try and redo what his father had talked about doing, he thought maybe just maybe it would bring his family closer together. The day was September 7th 2001, the house was being repainted and ready to be sold. The divorce was final. The fighting was finally over, but the family was destroyed. He moved in with his older brother and father switching schools for the 4th time. He prayed to god every night that his family would once again reunite, Again he was let down. Now while Joshua lived with his father, He let him do pretty much whatever he wanted. His dad never really looked over him, he worked a lot and never had time for his family. He was given permission to drive without a license and did so for about a 2 years. He couldn’t prepare himself for what would come next he was given the keys and told to go to the store and accidentally got into a accident so he took off and plowed through a intersection t boning a mini van. At the age of 15 he had letters in the mailbox from Chase Manhattan and Citi financial, They where credit cards, All together the cards had a staggering credit limit of $40,000. He went out and bought a 1976 Camaro with all the bells and whistles. What came next would change his life forever. He went to banks and took out cash advances and soon got into the world of drugs. Cocaine was his drug, He was spending 200 dollars a night. The equivalent to 6 grams when the lethal dose is 1.5- 2 grams. He was in and out of the hospital for overdosing, And was in and out of rehabs that never seemed to help. He finally kicked the habit and got into ecstasy, One time he took 13 pills and ended up in the hospital only to find out that he might not make it out alive. He was lucky enough to leave the next day. He was always a good kid even throughout the drug use. The credit card money not only went to support his drug habits but he helped out his brothers when his father wasn’t around. He would buy them things that they only dreamed of, wanting them to have the best of things. He tried his best to make his family happy. The drugs where all just a escape from reality. His father was a alcoholic that drank a 5th a day which later lead Joshua onto binge drinking. His father would hit him and blame him for everything that went wrong in his life,

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